Gift a mealbox to Senior Citizens


This festive season comes as an opportunity to give back to the senior citizens who do not have the support of family members to celebrate these festivals.

In their sunset years and living on charity of others, abandoned elderly in old age homes have no where to go as their funds have dried up and they stare at starvation.

With just Rs.2400/- we can feed 1 elderly people for 60 days.

(Rs.1200/- for 30 days.)

Gift a meal to senior Citizens

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This festive season comes as an opportunity to give back to the senior citizens who do not have the support of family members to celebrate these festivals.

In their sunset years and living on charity of others, abandoned elderly in old age homes have no where to go as their funds have dried up and they stare at starvation.

With just Rs.2400/- we can feed 1 elderly people for 60 days.

(Rs.1200/- for 30 days.)

Gift a meal to senior Citizens

Meal Box

For One Senior Citizen for 30 days, For One Senior Citizen for 60 Days

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