A few words about
“Generations work together to gain skills, values and knowledge, mutually and reciprocally benefitting participating generations.
Intergeneration and multi generation learning are the oldest evolved methods of learning where filial relationships has been characterised by great respect for the older people in many countries India, China, Japan, Palestine, etc. UNESCO (2000) defined Intergenerational learning programmes as ‘vehicles for the purposeful and ongoing exchange of resources and learning among older and younger generations. European Network for Intergenerational Learning (ENIL) (Frank et al, 2012) also concludes that “Intergenerational Learning is a learning where the generations work together to gain skills, values and knowledge, mutually and reciprocally benefitting participating generations. It creates significant learning opportunities and bring about transformation in perspective.
Philosophy of Intergenerational learning centre is to offer individualised attention to every child and create a healthy aura of growth, where each child can explore, express and achieve its own potential.
Different subject wise training session were conducted in an attempt to build capacity and orient Elderly Educator on Children’s Learning strategies & teaching methodologies in the teaching- learning process. The major focus of session was on to understand- what and how children learn and what is the role of Educator, how they can facilitate and make the process of learning better, smooth and enjoyable for students, etc to increase retention rate in schools and learning outcomes.
Philosophy of Intergenerational learning centre is to offer individualised attention to every child and create a healthy aura of growth, where each child can explore, express and achieve its own potential. It gives opportunities to school children to improve grades and performance in examination, increase attendance and retention rate in school, participation in co-curricular activities, gradual and steady enrichment of constructive habits, mannerism, good qualities, etc.
Meet this enthusiastic, educated and experienced group of Elderly. They retired from various professions and now they dedicate time to educate Govt. school children. Training sessions are given to Elderlies by experienced faculties from NCERT and Govt. Education department to orient Educators on teaching methodologies and learning strategies.
6TH and 7th std School students are selected based on Performance in a Baseline survey questionnaire, Economic criteria of the parents, Regular attendance of child, Good behaviour, Willingness of the parents to send their children to the learning centres after school hours, Priority is given to Girl child, etc.
Modules followed in the schools are both Curriculum-based and Basic Reading & Learning competencies-based, depending on the need after preliminary assessment.
When the entire nation was locked down because of Covid-19, our heroes at IGLC did not stop sharing their wisdom. E-IGLC was the way forward. The Elderly Educators conducted several online classes to help the children who needed them the most.